Shufeng Zhou
Chair & Professor,
University of South Florida
Dr Zhou is presently a Professor, Associate Vice President of Global Medical Development, Associate Dean of International Research, and Chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy & Morsani College of Medicine, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33612. Professor Zhou completed his clinical medical training in China in 1989 and obtained his PhD in 2001 from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, the University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. He continued his postdoctoral training at the University of Auckland until November 2002. Since 2002, Dr Zhou has served as a faculty member for the National University of Singapore, Queensland University of Technology (Australia), RMIT University (Australia), and now University of South Florida. Dr Zhou’s major research interests are drug discovery/systems pharmacology, drug metabolism/drug transport & pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenomics/pharmacogenetics, nanomedicine and Chinese medicine. Professor Zhou has published more than 330 peer-reviewed papers in various pharmacology and medical journals including New England Journal of Medicine, Cancer Research, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Carcinogenesis, JPET, Drug Metabolism & Disposition, and Clinical Cancer Research. He has also published 16 books and book chapters and more than 310 conference abstracts. His work has been cited more than 8,600 times by other colleagues with a H-index of 46. He has received more than US$22.0 million grants from various funding bodies and industries. To date, he has trained 24 PhD students, 12 MSc/Honors students, 14 postdoctoral fellows and 25 visiting faculty. Dr Zhou serves as an editor-in-chief or editor for 16 journals including Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety, Drug Metabolism Letters, and Current Drug Metabolism and is the editorial board member of more than 50 medical and pharmacological journals. Dr Zhou has given more than 100 invited seminars/keynote presentations to a variety of academic institutes, government agencies, and high-profile international conferences. He is a recipient of several teaching and research awards, a member of numerous national and international professional societies, and a visiting professor of many reputable research universities.
Research Interest