Anand Gadre
University of California, USA
Anand Gadre graduated with his BS and MS degrees in Applied Physics from the University of Mumbai. He completed his Doctorate from the Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), India. In 2001, he joined University of Maryland as a Post-doc and later worked as Research Associate in the Nanoscience and Microtechnology Laboratory (GNuLab) at Georgetown University. In 2004, he joined as an Assistant Professor of Nanobioscience in the State University of New York at Albany and later was promoted as an Associate Professor with tenure. He achieved his MBA degree from the University at Albany in 2009. In 2011, he joined as the Director of a core Nanofabrication and Stem Cell Research Facility in the University of California, Merced, where he is currently pursuing his research in Nanobiotechnology. He has published several peer-reviewed papers, co-authored book chapters and served as a Referee for several national/international journals
Abstract : Functionalized polymeric electrospun nanoscaffolds for bone regeneration and tissue healing