Stephane Boubanga Tombet
Tohoku University, Japan
Stephane Boubanga Tombet received his PhD degree in condensed matter physics from Montpellier 2 University in 2008. From 2008 to 2009, he worked for Montpellier 2 University as a teacher and research assistant. From 2009 to 2011, he joined the Research Institute of Electrical Communication (RIEC), Tohoku University, as a postdoctoral researcher. He worked at Los Alamos National Labs as a postdoctoral researcher until Jun 2013. He is currently working as an Associate Professor at the RIEC, Tohoku University. His current research interests include III-V based plasmonics THz emitters and receivers, gaphene active plasmonics and their terahertz applications.
Abstract : Plasmon-resonant terahertz emitters and detectors and their system applications